UNM Professional Portfolio of Rebekah Schofield

Course Electives/Workshops
EDUC 321 Social Studies in EL
SP 08 EDUC 330 Reading in EL 1
EDUC 331 Reading in ELII
SPR 08 EDUC 333 Oral & Written Language
EDUC 353 Science Programs in EL
FALL 08 EDUC 361 Math EL
EDUC 362 Teaching Experience
EDUC 400 Student Teaching & Seminar
Photographs of students, classroom, activities, etc.
Philosophy of Teaching and Learning
Ethnographic Observation Reflective Narrative
Sample Lesson Plan
sample Unit Plan map/outline
Student Artifacts
Video Reflection
Final Reflection of Pre-service teaching experience
Philosophy of Teaching & Learning
LLSS 315 Linguistically Diverse Students
FALL 08 LLSS 443 Children's Literature
Fall 08 SPCD 493 Special Needs Populations
EDPSY 310 Learning in Classroom
Course Electives/Workshops
Teacher Resources
Favorite Links
Contact Me
My Resume
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Classroom Management
This was a great workshop.  It was not what I expected but it sure woke me up and gave me quite a bit to think about. 
The best thing that I learned is that classroom management is not about rules, and tone of voice or work load, it is about relationships.  We did an activity in which we read and article about a boy that drops out of school and then we had to decide first on our own, who was most responsible for him dropping out, and then as a small group, and finally as a whole class.  It was a very eye opening experience to see how each of us thinks so differently and to have the opportunity to see so many points of view.  It left a great impression on me.  I see and use those principles in all aspects of my life now. 

TESOL Creative Strategies
This was a great workshop for reinforcing activities that reach all students.  One important principle that I learned was students who speak a language other than English that are learning English follow the same pattern as learning the first language.  For instance, students learn conversational English first, then they will go through a silent period while they digest and then they learn the academic English.  I appreciated learning that principle.
Another principle that I learned is that second language learners need as much experience as possible using English Orally, more than written. Also use acting, pictures, music, and games to help them learn.

Creating Digital Portfolios
We spent our time learning to create and maintain a webpage for our portfolios, but I was able to use what I learned here for the webpages for Children's Literature, and  Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students.  It was very intimidating at first but the more I worked on the webpages the more confidence I gained in working with computers and webpages.  I have also paid greater attention to other's webpages.
I'm sure this will help me in teaching and using technology.

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